Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Insperational Video I Found On YouTube

I found this video on You Tube. I think it illustrates perfectly that it is our perceptions that hold us back from achieving greatness.

Join Black Belt Schools Cambridge and let us help you achieve a lasting change in your life.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Problem With Goal Setting

I am sure that it was not too long ago when the world was your oyster. Everything seemed to be within reach and the sky was the limit. You were going to conquer the world and you knew what you were going to achieve in life.
Then one gray day you looked up and saw that you were married, that you had kids, and that you were stuck at a job you really did not like. So what happened? Nothing happened, and that’s the problem. And that same nothing has and is happening to billions of people all around the world.
Dreams are not reality- but they could be!
We all have dreams and most of us are really good at dreaming. If you don’t believe me, just ask someone what they would do if they won the lottery this week. It may be fun to dream for a while, however dreaming is not going to get you anywhere in life. Most of us end up drifting from one new circumstance to another like getting married, or having children. Don’t get me wrong getting married and having kids is great (I know I enjoy it!), but it is just an example of the many events that dictate most of our lives which always seems to lead people into having to get jobs they don’t like to help pay for them and the things they may need and want.
What am I getting at? Essentially most people think that they did not achieve their dreams because in some way the events and circumstances of their lives got in the way and prevented them from achieving greatness. Well, they would be wrong! The true culprit is that they failed to set and achieve proper goals. And the greater problem is that most of us were never taught how to do so in the first place.
Turn Your Dreams Into Goals
Well then how do we set and achieve goals? Most of the literature on the subject of goal setting would have you believe that it is a simple process, and for the most part they are right. 
It is simple enough to set a goal:
  1. You essentially pick something that you want to achieve.
  2. Set the date you want to achieve it by.
  3. Break it down into smaller more manageable (bit size) tasks to complete.
  4. Set completion dates for each of these tasks.
  5. And remember to celebrate milestones along way and track your progress.
  6. Oh and the most important part is to take action.
It is the taking action part, however, that is hard for most people. The problem is that most of us will not find the motivation needed to help us take action and keep on taking action to see a goal through to the end. You need to find a reason that will keep you going. Something that will spur you on and keep you motivated through the process of achieving your goals. If you cannot find that you will never achieve any of the goals that you set out to achieve.
In future articles I will outline how to set yourself up with a motivation system that will be powerful enough to help you achieve anything you want in your life.