Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Life sucks. This refrain and a myriad of other similar ones come out of peoples mouths each and
every day. Such statements underlie the very problems in our lives without our really knowing it. So, what are we really trying to say?

We are saying that we feel like we have no control over our lives. So we choose to blame someone or something else for the lack that we are currently experiencing. As silly as this is, we tend to push aside and ignore the one truth that is evident in all of our lives whether we want to accept it or not. Everything we have or don’t have is a direct result of the decisions we made in the past.

God gave us all the special ability to choose the way we want our lives to be. This ability separates us from the animals. If we do not like something in our lives we can choose to change it – for the better or the worse.

The problem however is that most of us never use our ability to choose. We wander through our lives, like animals, going from one desire to another with no clear direction, living on instinct, living only for survival.

You have to come to grips with the fact that if your life sucks, it is because in the past, you made decisions that suck, and now you have to pay for those decisions. As depressing as that is, it also holds with it a shimmering glimmer of hope as well.


You can decide to change your clothes, your job, and your friends. You can choose to change any of the circumstances of your life that you think suck.

Unfortunately, for most people their ability to make decisions has degenerated to the point that they even have trouble making the simplest of choices. For most it is difficult enough to decide what to have for dinner, let alone deciding how to change their lives in a deep and profound way.

It is now time to start making new decisions, ones that will put you on a path to a new life. Do you want that perfect relationship, the better job or even that sexy beach body? Then the time is NOW to make that choice. To exercise your powers of decision making and march boldly into a new and better life.

You need to make your decisions count. Decisions need to be made with conviction. A decision without conviction is not a decision at all; it is just a wish or desire. Wishes and desires have no potency. They do not have enough energy behind them to carry you to the next level, which is action.

In order to get to action you need to have a decision that will push you forward.

A true decision is like your stubborn grandfather. No matter what you say or do to try and convince him – he will not budge. You have to be just as bull headed in your conviction that what you have decided is the one and only way.

You cannot entertain the possibility that you could be wrong! To do so will only serve to dilute your decision and weaken it to the point were no action ever gets taken.

So I challenge you now to start to practice making decisions, because practice is the mother of skill, and all successful people are skilled in making decisions. Starting right now; make three decisions.

Make the first two easy to complete. This will help you get the practice needed to help you carry out the third decision which should be a little more difficult to carry out.

After making these three decisions try making more decisions. Make harder decisions. Make decisions that count for something. Practice, practice, practice, because once you get into the habit of making committed decisions your life will begin to change. You will have started to take control of your future, and your destiny. So I ask you. What are you going to have for dinner?

Visit me at www.BlackBeltSchools.us and join one of our empowering classes. It will be one of the best decisions you ever make!!!