Tuesday, August 3, 2010

5 Ways to Get Motivated, Even if You’re in a Slump

Hey, feeling unmotivated lately? I know that I sure am. The hot, humid weather has helped me give in to the dog days of summer, where I just want to lay about and do absolutely nothing!!! The bad part is that this slump makes it difficult to accomplish anything, let alone be productive.

So how do you get yourself out of a slump once you have slowed down to a snails pace and getting going again seems to be too monumental of a task?

Fear not I have five very simple and easy ways to get back on the motivation train. With some small steps, we will get started back down the road to positive change and get out of the slump.

Some of the ways that I use to pull myself out of a slump are:

1. Realize it’s not permanent. The first thing you have to do is acknowledge that motivation is not permanent. You can’t be motivated all the time. It is like the waves on the beach, it comes and goes. There will be times when motivation comes in so hard and fast that it washes over you and carries you away, allowing you to surf. Then there are times when it hardly moves you, it is just a ripple in the water, and you sit on your surfboard going nowhere. But like a surfer you know that if you wait long enough you will catch that next wave.

2. One thing at a time. Most of the time I realize that my slumps are created by my own doing. I notice that I’m trying to do too much at once and it has overwhelmed me, things have been left undone and now all require attention at the same time. This situation can be very draining, as you try to cope with that scattered feeling in your head; it can be difficult to know where to start! Ahhhh! I feel overwhelmed and unmotivated just writing that. When this happens it is now time to STOP, STEP BACK, and SET a small GOAL. That’s right the answer is goal setting. When you have a million tasks, the best way to start moving forward is to pick one. Concentrate on that task only. Complete that task to the best of your ability. Then move on to another task. I would suggest that you start with small tasks first. The smaller the better. Choose a task that you can get done relatively quickly and easily. This will build momentum, and once you get moving it is easier to stay motivated.

3. Pick a role model. Look up people online and read articles about what you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes just knowing how someone else did it can inspire you to take action as well. Reading articles can make something more real for you and give you real life references for a completed work. You can also use visualization. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal and how it feels to have it done. This builds excitement and anticipation of the completed task. Kind of like dangling a carrot in front of a horse.

4. Post your goal. You can write out or print your goal on index cards and post them up around your house as a reminder of your goal. Make sure your goal is just a few words long. Something like “Think Positively” will work to remind you. To add more power to your reminder you can find a picture that captures the essence of what you want and put it on the index card too. If you have the words “Stick to the diet” and pictures of a model with the body you want next to it, that can keep you focused and keep your excitement going. Another technique that works is to tell someone else your goal, like a friend or spouse, or if you are really brave post it on Facebook and Twitter!!!

5. Lastly, focus on the good. Don’t concentrate on what you have left to do. Instead congratulate and reward yourself for the tasks that are already done. This will keep you in a positive frame of mind which will make it easier to sustain the motivation to continue. You can keep a progress journal that you write in every night, but here is the trick; only write positive things in it, like what you have accomplished and how great it made you feel. Then when the motivation begins to wane, you can simply review your journal for inspiration and more importantly, proof that you can get things done.

So there you have it, five easy ways to get motivated again. Try them out. They really do work. Until next time. Visit our website by clicking here.

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